Access 2016 - Advanced - Part 2

Who it's For:
Access is designed for people who are comfortable with spreadsheet programs like Excel. These users need more power and analyzation, as well as a stronger forward-facing interface.
What it is:
Access is a database creation and management program. It helps you design, build, and interface with a robust database to help your organization run smoothly. Many small to medium-sized businesses use Access for this exact purpose.
What You'll Learn:
IThis course starts with database basics, terms, and information you'll need to confidently build your database later on. Then, you'll learn how to build tables, determine relationships, query data, and create simple-to-use interfaces that other people at your company can use to interact with your data.
- Introduction
- Viewing Reports - Part 1
- Viewing Reports - Part 2
- Views Available for Reports
- Modifying Your First Report
- The Form Wizard
- Sorting in Your Report
- Grouping in Your Report - Part 1
- Grouping in Your Report - Part 2
- Creating Summary Reports via the Wizard
- Modifying Summary Reports
- Special Case of CAN GROW
- Adding a ROLODEX Effect
- Mailing Labels