Safeguarding Essentials - Fire Service


Looking out for the welfare of children and adults at risk is, of course, everyone’s responsibility. But the community and emergency response work undertaken by fire service staff puts them in a uniquely good position to spot potential safeguarding issues and play a positive role in protecting children and adults at risk.

The course explores the problems children and adults at risk can face, and the steps staff should take if they have any concerns. But it’s not all about responding to problems: the course also provides staff with practical tips and pointers for maintaining a professional relationship with young people and creating a safe, positive environment for them.


In this course you will learn:

  • What is safeguarding?
  • Who are “children” and “adults at risk” in the eyes of the law?
  • Forms of abuse (including sexual exploitation, FGM, radicalisation and modern slavery).
  • Common myths and misconceptions about abuse.
  • The scale of the problem.