

This unique module helps UK employees recognise how they can be part of the DEI journey and supporting an inclusive culture for all. It identifies the everyday actions that make a difference, shows how to overcome common challenges and ensures your team bring the best of themselves to work.

Key learning points

  • What is allyship?
  • Privilege
  • Representation
  • Support
  • Advocacy
  • Growth and learning

Course outcomes - Think, Feel, Do


  • I can what is meant by allyship and privilege
  • I can articulate some of the key challenges in allyship
  • I can explain the value of being myself (and allowing others to be themselves) at work
  • I appreciate the importance of allyship in helping everyone to be themselves at work
  • I can articulate the idea behind privilege and why representation is important
  • I appreciate the impact of bias in the workplace and how I can mitigate it
  • I can explain the impact of language on inclusivity
  • I can explain how I can help shape diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environments through allyship


  • I am more confident when confronted with the challenges that DEI brings
  • I feel more confident in my role as an ally
  • I have the tools to become a better ally
  • I am more comfortable to bring my whole self to work
  • I feel more equipped to support and shape a diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environment


  • I challenge myself and others to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment
  • I am taking steps to be a better ally every day
  • I am aware of my bias and do my best to mitigate it

Target audience

All employees.