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Managing Difficult Employees: Dealing with Disengaged Staff

Course Overview

Our Dealing with Disengaged Staff module deals with two kinds of people who are disengaged, and simply lack the buy-in to contribute as well as they could. And although it's easy to accept the situation, if you're in charge, you'll do yourself a whole lot of good by bringing them on board with the team's objectives.

Course Objectives:

After taking this module, and with a little practice, you'll be able to:

  • Identify your "problem people"
  • Look for, and deal with, DEFLECTORS
  • Look for, and deal with, NON-TEAM PLAYERS
  • Apply these strategies to problems you may have at the moment

With all this covered, you’ll be ready get to work on these ... shall we say, self-centered ... people – and make your team operation more productive, and easier to manage too!

Course Outline

  • What You Will Learn
  • Your Objectives
  • Managing DEFLECTORS
  • Fixing Your Problems with Disengaged Staff
  • Key Takeaways
  • Answers to Exercises
  • Module Test

[NOTE: An interactive ZandaX workbook with Personal Action Plan is provided to support and enhance your learning and further development]

Target Audience:

Anyone who manages -- or expects to manage -- staff, but is having problems (or anticipates them) with people who, while not breaking any rules, drag down performance by placing their own agendas too far ahead of the team's goals.

No prior knowledge or experience is needed, although some experience of managing people will assist greatly in identifying the personality types we discuss.