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Time Management for Managers

Course Overview

NOTE: This Fast Track course on Time Management for Managers includes the content from our two Bite-Sized courses:

  • Prioritization & the Four Ds
  • Management Time Robbers & Getting Organized

It also includes additional Intro and Wrap Up units, and an Assessment Test.

We start with a thorough treatment of the Prioritization Grid, which is one of the most effective ways to manage a busy workload under the pressure of deadlines. We then show you how to use the Four Ds as an easy way to simplify your decision making.

We move on to Time Robbers - those that we all have, and those which land on you as a manager - and how to deal with the most common.

Next, we show you four ways you can get organised - all simple, all commonsense, yet all under-used by everyone! Finally, we take you through delegation, showing you how to do it properly, using proven rules, to reduce your workload and increase your authority in the team.

And with all this covered, you'll be ready to take your time management -- and your management effectiveness -- to a new level!

Course Objectives:

After taking this short course, you'll be able to:

  • Use the Prioritization Grid
  • Apply the Four Ds to priorities and speed up decision making
  • Identify, and deal with, Management Time Robbers
  • Implement four simple ideas to improve your effectiveness
  • Reduce your workload by delegating effectively

Course Outline

  • Module Introduction & Workbook Download
  • How to Prioritize: The Prioritization Grid
  • The Four D's: Do Dump, Delay and Delegate
  • Management Time Robbers
  • Four Great Tips for Getting Organized
  • How to Delegate Effectively
  • Key Takeaways
  • Module Test
  • Course Wrap Up
  • [NOTE: An interactive workbook is provided to support your learning]

Target Audience:

We all want to do more with our time. If only we had more of it... But you can’t buy it, stop it or delay it: time itself can't be managed. We need to manage ourselves!

As a manager, your day-to-day routine can be disrupted in a number of ways – often unpredictably, and with a need to act quickly. So it’s essential for you to make the best use of your time.

Here, we give managers a quick, effective insight into how to manage their time a whole lot better. It includes generic tools that apply to anyone, and also looks at delegation - which is a great way to save time, and an essential core management skill.

When you’re done here, you'll have a set of skills that will help you to get more out of every day.