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Bullying and Harassment


This “Bullying and Harassment Training for All” course helps individuals and organisations maintain a workplace where employees come to work without fear of being bullied or harassed. It teaches participants about their right to be treated, and their responsibility to treat others, with dignity and respect in the workplace. The course discusses the differences between bullying, harassment and sexual harassment, what an employee and employer can do if experiencing inappropriate behaviour at work and how to submit formal complaints.


By the end of the course, trainees will be able to:

  • Understand that it is the right of all employees to be treated with dignity and respect in the workplace
  • State the difference between bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
  • Submit a complaint
  • Describe the responsibilities of the employee, manager, support contact person, and the employer
  • Identify the optimum response to inappropriate behaviour
  • Locate additional information in relation to dignity at work


  • Importance of respecting people at work
  • What does dignity at work mean?
  • What is bullying?
  • Inappropriate behaviours
  • Behaviours not considered bullying
  • What is considered bullying?
  • What is harassment?
  • Sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Responsibilities
  • Employee responsibilities
  • Employer responsibilities
  • Support contact person responsibilities
  • Manager's responsibilities
  • Responding to a complaint
  • Manager's guidelines
  • Formal complaint process