Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating

Judge Dredd. A name to strike fear into the heart of even the most hardened science-fiction criminal. If you’re not familiar with the comic books or the film... Yeah, I know. But we don’t talk about the Sly Stallone version. Anyway, if you’re not familiar with Dredd, he was a futuristic lawman who cleaned up the streets of fictional megalopolis, MegaCity One. He was well known for his hard-nosed negotiating skills and erm… ability to influence and persuade. You don’t have to be judge, jury, and executioner to be able to influence, persuade, and negotiate successfully. But you can influence or persuade others to take action and negotiate to reach mutually satisfactory agreements. The best bit, though, is when you get to shout, ‘I am the law!’ Well… maybe not that last bit. Sorry
Outline Learning Objectives:
- Recognise the benefits of influencing, persuading, and negotiating in the workplace
- Identify ways to influence or persuade others and negotiate successfully
- Demonstrate influencing, persuasion, and negotiation skills to reach mutually beneficial agreements
Why take this course?
This course is for everyone. Literally. Because we can all benefit from being able to influence, persuade, and negotiate more effectively in work. You’ll see the benefits of influencing, persuasion, and negotiation and learn how to do all three as well as a Mega-City One judge.