Developing Talent

Wouldn’t it be great if you had your own TV talent show? You could sit in a big leather chair while 12 candidates do hare-brained tasks. Then whittle them down to 1, shout ‘You’re hired’, and have the perfect team. Simple! Unfortunately, most managers don’t have the budget for this. Luckily, you don’t need a fancy TV show. The talent’s already right under your nose
Spotting and developing talent within your organisation can be a huge motivator for your team. It also gives you the opportunity to coach the brightest individuals for future success. This course will show you how.
Outline Learning Objectives:
- Recognise ways you can highlight talent within your team to prepare talented individuals for career progression
- Spot and develop talent within your organisation to grow their prospects and ensure your organisation’s future talent requirements are met
Why should I take this course?
Every manager and leader needs to know how to recognise and develop talent within their team. In this course you’ll learn ways to highlight talented individuals and how to take action to help them develop in their career.