The Power of Getting to Know Your Team

No one likes small talk, especially not with the boss. Besides, what’s the point? You already know everything there is to know about your team. Dawn makes a mean cuppa, Tim’s always late, and Gareth’s the only one who can get the printer to work. But although you’ve got an overview of your team, do you really know them as individuals'
Getting to know each person on your team can bring a huge boost to your workplace. It can improve morale, job satisfaction, and employee performance. When you build work relationships on curiosity, trust, and mutual respect, everyone wins. This course will teach you how.
Outline Learning Objectives:
- Recognise the benefits of getting to know your team to open up more meaningful communication
- Implement communication-building techniques to create positive work interactions
Why should I take this course?
If you’re in a managerial or leadership role, getting to know your team is important. This course will help you see the benefits of building relationships within your team and give you the tools to open up communication.