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Managing stress at work


The goal of this online course is to help individuals manage work-related stress better. We explore the common causes of work-related stress and offer practical solutions for reducing stress. The course also offers tips on how and where an individual can find support if they are dealing with stress.


By the end of the course, trainees will be able to:

  • Understand what work-related stress is
  • Identify the differences between positive and negative stress
  • Recognise the common sources of stress
  • Identify practical ways of reducing stress in and outside the workplace


  • Work-related stress
  • What is stress?
  • Statistics on stress
  • Positive vs negative stress
  • What causes stress?
  • Sources of stress in the workplace
  • Other sources of stress
  • Consequences of stress
  • Symptoms of stress
  • Job burnout
  • How to handle burnout
  • Combatting stress
  • Healthy reactions to stress
  • Problem-solving approach to stress
  • Three reactions
  • Combatting workplace stress outside the workplace