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Croeso i borth e-Ddysgu Cyflogadwyedd Coleg Sir Gâr / Coleg Ceredigion

Mae’n gwrs y gallwch ei wneud dan eich pwysau a’ch cyfarwyddyd eich hun felly chi sy’n rheoli eich dysgu, a gallwch bob amser alw ar gymorth arbenigol ein hwyluswyr i gael arweiniad a chefnogaeth.

I gael mwy o wybodaeth am sut i ddefnyddio’r wefan hon, dewiswch Getting Started o’r ddewislen.

Bydd e-ddysgu yn eich helpu i ddatblygu eich gwybodaeth a’ch sgiliau mewn ffordd sy’n cynnig hyblygrwydd a hwylustod i chi - gallwch ddysgu ar adeg sydd fwyaf addas i chi a defnyddio unrhyw gyfrifiadur sydd â mynediad i’r rhyngrwyd.

Gellir gweld amrywiaeth o gyrsiau wyneb yn wyneb hefyd i gefnogi eich taith tuag at gyflogaeth neu ddatblygu eich gyrfa yn:

College Sir Gar - Cyrsiau Rhan Amser. A College Ceredigion - Cyrsiau Rhan Amswer


Welcome to the Coleg Sir Gar / Coleg Ceredigion, Employability eLearning portal.

It's self-paced and self-directed so you are in control of your learning, and at all times you can call on the expert help of our facilitators for guidance and support.

For more information on how to use this site, select Getting Started from the menu.

E-learning will help you develop your knowledge and skills in a way that offers you flexibility and convenience-you can learn at a time that suits you best and use any internet enabled computer.

A range of face to face courses; to support your journey into employment or develop your career can also be found at: - part-time-courses And - part-time-courses