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Developing Resilience


In the increasingly complex working environments that many people find themselves in, the resilience of individuals, teams, and organisations, is becoming critical for business success. We all have times when things are difficult. It might be a particular incident or tragedy which delivers a single blow, or it could be a series of smaller events which, over time, grind you down.

There are different definitions of resilience but a common theme among them is the idea of adaptation, recovery and bounce back. It’s often said that resilience is the ability to cope with challenges, problems and set-backs, and to become stronger because of them.

People use a number of different strategies to be, or become more, resilient. These include rational thinking skills, taking care of their physical and emotional health, and also making sure there are support systems in place to help them should they be needed.

This e-learning course sets out to provide learners with these strategies.

Outline Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the key characteristics of resilient people and why it’s important
  • Understand perception and its effect on how we view situations
  • Using specific techniques to challenge our perceptions
  • Take questionnaires to assess personal resilience
  • Establish methods of building resilience
  • Understanding the importance of team resilience and how to influence it


We can all benefit from developing our resilience and growing a stronger ability to deal with the challenges we face. Therefore, this e-learning course is suitable for a wide array of learners.