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Stress at Work


Every year around half a million people in the UK suffer from cases of work-related stress, depression or anxiety. The UK economy lost nearly 12 million working days last year alone. And stress accounted for 37% of all work related ill health.

So stress is a major health issue, and if you’re suffering from it, you’re not alone. There are many factors that contribute toward stress. And technology has not helped by blurring the lines between the office and your freetime. This short course will help you learn the fundamentals of this important issue and be better able to identify, understand and overcome stress risk factors.


  • Be better able to spot stress in yourself and others
  • Become skilled at analysing and understanding the causes of stress
  • Be better able to overcome stress related issues
  • Be able to gain control of stress at work to perform better
  • And decrease the likelihood of taking time off work


Some professions are more susceptible to work-related stress than others. But stress can happen in any industry and at any age. So we recommend this course to anyon.