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Menopause at Work


A quarter of women have considered leaving their job due to the menopause and 1 in 10 actually do. In many organisations, the menopause remains a taboo subject. However, understanding the menopause is important for everyone, whether this is for people that experience it themselves or those that would benefit from having an awareness of how it affects others.

This menopause e-learning course sets out to help learners understand the key facts about the menopause, who it affects and the common symptoms. It provides learners with an understanding of the importance of discussing menopause in the workplace and making reasonable adjustments to support colleagues where necessary.


  • Explain the stages of the menopause and the symptoms that can occur
  • Identify who might be indirectly affected by the menopause
  • Understand how supporting people through the menopause can have a positive impact on the organisation
  • Describe adjustments that can be made to support those experiencing the menopause
  • Explore the different support available for the menopause
  • Review the skills required to talk about and support people through the menopause
  • Structuring conversations about the menopause
  • Review case studies to embed the learning


Menopause can have implications for many people in the workplace and employees should understand how to support themselves and colleagues. Therefore, this e-learning course is suitable for a wide array of learners.