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Healthy Living Awareness

Course Overview

In today’s world, living a healthy lifestyle can be a challenge. Not only are we working longer hours in sedentary jobs, but we have less time to cook and opportunities to stay active. This can have a huge impact on our wellbeing, and make us more susceptible to ill-health. 

Our Healthy Living Course is designed to help users understand the importance of leading a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle and provides practical steps they can take to improve their everyday lives.

Course Objectives

This training course covers the following:

  • Outlines the benefits of healthy eating, hydration, physical activity and sleep
  • Describes the risks to your health if nutrition, hydration, physical activity and sleep do not meet the recommended amounts
  • Describes how you can make small changes to move towards a healthier lifestyle

Course Content

The EssentialSkillz Healthy Living course is part of our Wellbeing pack and describes the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and the risks of not adopting healthy practices. The course focuses on four aspects of healthy living:

  • Nutrition
  • Hydration
  • Physical activity
  • Sleep

The course also highlights the risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use, and offers techniques to help you reduce alcohol consumption and quit smoking. These lessons include the most up-to-date advice from the World Health Organization, British Heart Foundation and the National Health Service to inform people how they improve their health in each of these areas.

It is critical to take care of your physical health, as doing so can reduce the risk of developing an NCD and can increase your overall health and wellbeing.