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Finding Your Direction


Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.

If you find yourself feeling stuck, lost or disconnected at work, this lesson is for you. We’ll work through a small journey together, reflecting on who you are as an individual. Contemplating what your core values are, we’ll consider these in the context of your current professional role and ask - are your values aligned with your life (and therefore work)?

Finding your direction can mean just about anything; volunteering for a charity, starting up with an old hobby, or simply adjusting an aspect of the professional role you have right now. Regardless, when you know your values, you can make decisions based on meaning, to ensure a connectedness between them and you.

Learning Objectives

  • Establish how to find your direction
  • Explore core values
  • Consider core values in the context of personal and professional life

Target Audience

This track is aimed at professionals (of all levels, in any work context) who feel lost or disconnected.