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Understanding Emotional Intelligence


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Emotional intelligence is an invisible force that governs every interaction. Relationships are built and dismantled on the basis of emotional intelligence.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to explain what emotional intelligence is. You will have a thorough understanding of Daniel Goleman’s five pillars of emotional intelligence, will be aware of the three types of emotional intelligence models, and will understand why emotional intelligence is important at work. You will also have the opportunity to explore common workplace challenges and examine how to overcome them.

This lesson will examine self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and empathy and provide actionable guidance for understanding emotional intelligence. Join us for new insights and tips to transform your well-being and professional relationships.

  • Understand what emotional intelligence is 
  • Explore examples of emotional intelligence and three models relating to it
  • Examine Daniel Goleman’s five pillars of emotional intelligence and why the Goleman Method is popular in corporate environments

Target Audience

Anyone who wants to improve their understanding of interpersonal dynamics at work.