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The Power of No


Welcome to Audio Learning from Assemble You.

This lesson offers practical, actionable advice on saying ‘no’ more often and taking control of your day.

Saying ‘yes’ comes naturally. As human beings, it makes us feel good to make ourselves available to help others. But what doesn’t feel good is the stress of deadlines we’re struggling to meet, potential burnout, and having no time for self-care because we’ve taken too much on.

Saying ‘no’ can feel daunting, especially when talking to a manager. This is a guide to confidently asserting your boundaries, however worrying that can feel. This lesson will examine the steps to take when you need to harness the power of ‘no,’ including knowing your limits and listening to your gut.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover why saying ‘yes’ is not always helpful to those asking for help.
  • Recognise techniques to help you make the right decision on what to say ‘yes’ to.
  • Understand the right communication techniques to make saying ‘no’ easy.

Target Audience

People who like to please others by saying ‘yes’ to too many requests!