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Sickness Absence


Almost everyone will need to take time off work due to ill health at some point in their life. The impact of this can be huge, both on the organisation they work for and on the person themselves.

Your organisation will be committed to supporting employees through any sickness absence, helping them return to work safely and promoting well-being.

This course aims to refresh your knowledge of what you can do to keep yourself healthy and minimise the impacts of ill-health, the steps to be taken if any absences do occur and the ways your manager will help you transition back to work after a period of sickness absence.


At the end of the course, trainees will:

  • Coverthe impact that sickness can have on the individual and organisations and the main causes of sickness absence.
  • Coverthe reporting and return-to-work procedures that help ensure everyone is treated fairly and consistently, including the steps you and your manager should take before, during and after a sickness absence.