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Preventing Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace


This CPD-certified, level-2 e-learning course is suitable for any member of an organisation, whether an employee, or an employer. The course includes optional voiceover recorded by a professional actor.

It is specifically designed to give learners a better understanding of what the differences are between bullying and harassment, The Equality Act and what it means for you in a workplace setting, guidance on how to spot and respond to incidents of bullying and harassment in the workplace, and what employers can do about it, too.

Law & Legislation

This course covers key points from:

  • The Equality Act 2010

Course Content

  • Introduction - An introduction to the subject, covering why it must be taken seriously, what the difference between bullying and harassment is, and what the consequences of them are.
  • The Law - An overview of what the law says about bullying and harassment in the workplace, with a particular focus on protected characteristics.
  • Recognising and Responding - Guidance on how to recognise the different types of bullying and harassment that take place in work settings, and how to respond to incidents that may occur.
  • What Should Employers Do - Steps to prevent bullying and harassment in a workplace, and how to react when it has been identified.