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Courseware Publishers
Me Learning
Adults Social Care
Adults Social Care
Training Time
Base Price
Adult self-neglect
Me Learning
35 Minutes
£ 20.00
Adult Sexual Exploitation
Me Learning
20 Minutes
£ 20.00
Autism Awareness
Me Learning
45 Minutes
£ 20.00
Autism and Learning Disabilities for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
2 Hours 50 Minutes
£ 25.00
Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability - for Health & Social Care
Me Learning
1 Hour 30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Basic Life Support - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
1 Hour
£ 20.00
The Care Act 2014 - Full Training Suite
Me Learning
12 Hours
£ 120.00
Care Certificate Assessor Training
Me Learning
1 hour 30 minutes
£ 25.00
Care Certificate - Full Training Suite
Me Learning
10 Hours
£ 35.00
Coercive control awareness
Me Learning
15 MInutes
£ 15.00
Cultural Awareness in Safeguarding
Me Learning
6 Hours
£ 30.00
Dementia Awareness
Me Learning
1 Hour 15 Minutes
£ 25.00
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Me Learning
1 Hour 10 Minutes
£ 25.00
Diabetes Awareness
Me Learning
1 Hour 50 Minutes
£ 20.00
Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 30.00
Duty of Care - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 25.00
Eating Disorders
Me Learning
1 Hour 10 Minutes
£ 20.00
Effective Communication - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Epilepsy Awareness
Me Learning
25 Minutes
£ 20.00
Fluids and Nutrition - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
60 Minutes
£ 25.00
Framework for the Assessment of Children and their Families
Me Learning
20 Minutes
£ 30.00
Gangs and Youth Violence
Me Learning
1 Hour 40 Minutes
£ 20.00
Handling Information - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Hidden Harm – Parental Substance Misuse, Mental Ill Health and Domestic Abuse
Me Learning
2 Hours 50 Minutes
£ 30.00
Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
Me Learning
2 hours 30 minutes
£ 20.00
Human Rights Act 1998
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
Me Learning
1 Hour 30 Minutes
£ 30.00
Infection Prevention and Control - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Keeping Good Records
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Lead Professional Introduction
Me Learning
45 Minutes
£ 20.00
Loneliness and Isolation
Me Learning
25 Minutes
£ 20.00
Making Every Contact Count - Supporting Winter Warmth
Me Learning
15 minutes
£ 30.00
Medication Awareness and Safe Handling of Medication
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Me Learning
1 Hour 45 Minutes
£ 20.00
Mental Health Act
Me Learning
1 Hour 50 Minutes
£ 20.00
Moving and Positioning of Individuals
Me Learning
35 Minutes
£ 25.00
Multi-Agency Working
Me Learning
25 Minutes
£ 20.00
NHS Continuing Healthcare
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Palliative Care and End of Life Care
Me Learning
40 Minutes
£ 20.00
Privacy and Dignity - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Professional boundaries for adults
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Me Learning
45 minutes
£ 20.00
Safeguarding Adults - Awareness - for Health and Social Care’
Me Learning
1 Hour 30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Safeguarding Adults (Level 1)
Me Learning
2 Hours
£ 20.00
Safeguarding Adults (Level 2)
Me Learning
2 Hours
£ 20.00
Safeguarding Adults (Levels 1 and 2)
Me Learning
4 Hours
£ 30.00
Safeguarding Adults Refresher
Me Learning
15 Minutes
£ 20.00
Stroke Awareness
Me Learning
45 Minutes
£ 20.00
Substance Misuse
Me Learning
1 Hour 20 Minutes
£ 20.00
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Me Learning
1 Hour 20 Minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Assessment and Eligibility
Me Learning
2 hours
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Care and Support Planning
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Charging and Financial Assessment
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Safeguarding Duties and Responsibilities
Me Learning
30 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Deferred Payments
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Direct Payments
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Independent Advocacy
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Information and Advice
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Introduction and Overview
Me Learning
1 hour 30 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Review of Care and Support Plans
Me Learning
30 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Transition to Adulthood
Me Learning
60 minutes
£ 20.00
The Care Act - Personal Budgets
Me Learning
30 minutes
£ 20.00
Understand Your Role - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Work in a Person Centred Way - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00
Your Personal Development - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
30 Minutes
£ 20.00