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Childrens Social Care

Title Publisher
Autism Access Group
Child Sexual Exploitation Access Group
FGM Access Group
Safeguarding Children Access Group
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Access Group

Childrens Social Care

Title Publisher
Safeguarding Children Kallidus
Title Publisher
Safeguarding Children CPL Learning
Title Publisher
Administration of Medication for Looked After Children Think Tank Academy
Alcohol Awareness - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Attachment - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Bullying Awareness - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Think Tank Academy
Communication Skills - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
County Lines - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Drug Awareness - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Equality and Diversity - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
First Aid - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Harmful Sexualised Behaviour - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Health and Safety - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Healthy Eating - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Infection Control - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Internet Safety Awareness - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Knife Crime - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Missing from Care - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Professional Boundaries - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Quality Standards - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Radicalisation - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Recording and Reporting - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Safeguarding Children Think Tank Academy
Safer Caring - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Self-Harm Awareness - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Trauma - Children's Care Think Tank Academy
Title Publisher
Allegations Against Adults Who Work With Children iAM Learning
Early Help iAM Learning
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) iAM Learning
How to Create a Safeguarding Culture iAM Learning
Keeping Children Safe in Education iAM Learning
Neglect iAM Learning
Physical Abuse iAM Learning
Recognising the Signs of Abuse iAM Learning
Safeguarding Thresholds iAM Learning
Safeguarding: Recording Disclosures iAM Learning
SEND 101 iAM Learning
Types of Abuse iAM Learning
Understanding and Identifying Patterns of Grooming iAM Learning
Title Publisher
Safeguarding Children Vinci Works
Safeguarding Essentials - Schools Vinci Works
Title Publisher
All Wales Induction Framework My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding (Office) My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Children And Young People My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Children And Young People (Managers) My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Children And Young People (Scotland) My Learning Cloud
Title Publisher
Abuse Related to a Belief in Witchcraft Me Learning
Assessment and Approval of Adopters Me Learning
Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers Me Learning
Autism and Learning Disabilities for Health and Social Care Me Learning
Autism Awareness Me Learning
Bullying and Cyberbullying Me Learning
Child Sexual Exploitation (Level 1 and 2) Me Learning
Child Sexual Exploitation (Level 1) Me Learning
Child Sexual Exploitation (Level 2) Me Learning
Children's Workforce Induction Me Learning
Common Assessment Framework (CAF or Early Help) Me Learning
Criminal Exploitation and County Lines Me Learning
Diabetes Awareness Me Learning
Eating Disorders Me Learning
Effective Communication with Children and Families Me Learning
Epilepsy Awareness Me Learning
Female Genital Mutilation Me Learning
Framework for the Assessment of Children and their Families Me Learning
Gangs and Youth Violence Me Learning
Hate Crime Me Learning
Hidden Harm – Parental Substance Misuse, Mental Ill Health and Domestic Abuse Me Learning
Information Sharing and Consent Me Learning
Keeping Good Records Me Learning
Lead Professional Introduction Me Learning
Learning Disabilities Awareness Me Learning
Loss and Bereavement Me Learning
Mental Health Act Me Learning
Missing Children Me Learning
Multi-Agency Working Me Learning
Neglect Me Learning
Online Safety - Risks to Children Me Learning
Online Safety for Parents and Carers Me Learning
Private Fostering Me Learning
Safeguarding Against Radicalisation - The Prevent Duty Me Learning
Safeguarding Awareness Me Learning
Safeguarding Awareness - for Higher Education Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Level 1) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Level 1) - for Education Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Level 1) - for Health Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Level 2) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Level 3) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children (Levels 1 and 2) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children - Awareness - for Health and Social Care Me Learning
Safeguarding Children for Education - (Level 1 and 2) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children for Health - (Level 1 and 2) Me Learning
Safeguarding Children in Sport Me Learning
Safeguarding Children Refresher Me Learning
Safeguarding Children with Disabilities Me Learning
Safeguarding: Emotional Abuse Me Learning
Safeguarding: Physical Abuse Me Learning
Safer Recruitment Me Learning
Self-Harm in Children and Young People Me Learning
Sexual Abuse and Recognising Grooming Me Learning
Teenage Pregnancy Me Learning
Trauma Awareness Me Learning
Understanding Behaviour of Children and Young People Me Learning
Understanding Child Development Me Learning
Title Publisher
Safeguarding Children Open eLMS