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Health & Social Care
Adults Social Care
Adults Social Care
Safeguarding Adults
Learner Bubble
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act
Access Group
All Wales Induction Framework (Adults)
Access Group
Access Group
Bed Rails
Access Group
Care Certificate
Access Group
Care Certificate Ancillary Staff
Access Group
Access Group
Dementia Awareness
Access Group
Diabetes Awareness
Access Group
Dignity & Respect
Access Group
Duty of Candour
Access Group
Duty of Care
Access Group
Eating Disorders
Access Group
End of Life
Access Group
Access Group
Falls Prevention
Access Group
Hoarding and Clutter
Access Group
Access Group
Medication Administration Awareness
Access Group
Medication in Community Care
Access Group
Mental Capacity (Northern Ireland) Act
Access Group
Mental Health
Access Group
Patient Consent
Access Group
Person-centred Care
Access Group
Personality Disorder
Access Group
Positive Behaviour Support
Access Group
Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment
Access Group
Safeguarding and Protection of Adults
Access Group
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Access Group
Access Group
Sexuality & Relationships in LD
Access Group
Substance Misuse
Access Group
Adults Social Care
Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding Children
Learner Bubble
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism
Vinci Works
Safeguarding Adults
Vinci Works
Safeguarding Essentials
Vinci Works
Safeguarding Essentials - Further Education
Vinci Works
Safeguarding Essentials - University
Vinci Works
Basic Safeguarding Awareness
iAM Learning
Creating a Safeguarding Culture
iAM Learning
Eating Disorders
iAM Learning
Managing a Safeguarding Disclosure
iAM Learning
iAM Learning
iAM Learning
iAM Learning
Substance Use Disorder Advice (Signposts)
iAM Learning
Types of Abuse
iAM Learning
Understanding and Identifying Patterns of Grooming
iAM Learning
Safeguarding Children
First Health and Safety
Administration of Medication to Vulnerable Adults
Think Tank Academy
First Aid - Adults Care
Think Tank Academy
Health & Safety - Adult Care
Think Tank Academy
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Think Tank Academy
Adult Safeguarding
Essential Skillz
Dynamic Business
Safeguarding Adults (awareness level)
Dynamic Business
Safeguarding Adults - Level 2
Dynamic Business
Adult Safeguarding - Level 1
Flick Learning
Adult Safeguarding - Level 2
Flick Learning
Autism Awareness
Flick Learning
County Lines
Flick Learning
Domestic Abuse
Flick Learning
Faith-based Abuse
Flick Learning
Faith-based Abuse: Witchcraft
Flick Learning
FGM (Female Genital Mutilation)
Flick Learning
Forced Marriage Awareness
Flick Learning
Handling Medication in Care
Flick Learning
Knife Crime Awareness
Flick Learning
Mental Health and Young People
Flick Learning
Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Flick Learning
Online Safety
Flick Learning
Paediatric First Aid
Flick Learning
Prevention of Radicalisation
Flick Learning
Protection of Adults and Safeguarding from Abuse
CPL Learning
Acquired Brain Injury Awareness
Embrace Resilience
Awareness of Alcohol and Substance Misuse
Embrace Resilience
Care Certificate
Embrace Resilience
Caring for People with Dementia (Fundamentals)
Embrace Resilience
Challenging Behaviour
Embrace Resilience
Compassion and Dignity in Care
Embrace Resilience
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Embrace Resilience
End of Life Care - The Fundamentals
Embrace Resilience
Epilepsy Awareness
Embrace Resilience
Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Fundamentals)
Embrace Resilience
Nutrition, Diet and Health
Embrace Resilience
Resilient Families
Embrace Resilience
Safeguarding Adults
Embrace Resilience
Safer Handling of Medicines
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Asperger's Syndrome
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Autism
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Diabetes Mellitus
Embrace Resilience
Safeguarding Children (awareness level)
Dynamic Business
Breast Ironing
Flick Learning
Budgeting Effectively in Early Years
Flick Learning
CCE (Child Criminal Exploitation)
Flick Learning
Child on Child Abuse
Flick Learning
Child Safeguarding - Level 1
Flick Learning
Child Safeguarding - Level 2
Flick Learning
Child Safeguarding - Level 2 Refresher
Flick Learning
Child Safeguarding - Level 3
Flick Learning
Child Safeguarding in Boarding
Flick Learning
Child Sexual Exploitation
Flick Learning
Developing Positive Behaviour Management
Flick Learning
Environments in Early Years
Flick Learning
EYFS Made Simple
Flick Learning
Floor Space Requirements in Early Years
Flick Learning
Handling Medication in Education
Flick Learning
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Flick Learning
Ofsted's Early Years Education Inspection Framework
Flick Learning
Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework
Flick Learning
Positive Behaviour in Early Years
Flick Learning
Preventing Bullying
Flick Learning
Restraint in Education
Flick Learning
Safer Recruitment
Flick Learning
Flick Learning
Acquired Brain Injury Awareness
Embrace Resilience
Epilepsy Awareness
Embrace Resilience
Safeguarding Children (incl. EHA)
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Asperger's Syndrome
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Autism
Embrace Resilience
Supporting People with Diabetes Mellitus
Embrace Resilience
Adults with Incapacity (Scotland)
My Learning Cloud
All Wales Induction Framework
My Learning Cloud
Anxiety Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Autism Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Basic Life Support
My Learning Cloud
Bipolar Disorder
My Learning Cloud
Care Planning
My Learning Cloud
Catheter Care
My Learning Cloud
Dementia Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Depression Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Diabetes Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Dignity Through Action
My Learning Cloud
Disability Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Document and Record Keeping
My Learning Cloud
Domestic Abuse Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Domestic Abuse Awareness (Managers)
My Learning Cloud
Domestic Abuse Awareness (Scotland)
My Learning Cloud
Duty of Candour
My Learning Cloud
Duty of Care (Scotland)
My Learning Cloud
Eating Disorders Awareness
My Learning Cloud
End of Life Care Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Epilepsy Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Fluids and Nutrition Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Managing Continence
My Learning Cloud
Medication Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Mental Capacity Act with Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
My Learning Cloud
Mental Health Awareness
My Learning Cloud
OCD Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Person-Centred Support
My Learning Cloud
Person-Centred Support (Scotland)
My Learning Cloud
Positive Behaviour Support
My Learning Cloud
Pressure Area Care Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Professional Boundaries
My Learning Cloud
Professional Boundaries for Managers
My Learning Cloud
My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding (Office)
My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Adults
My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Adults (Managers)
My Learning Cloud
Safeguarding Adults (Scotland)
My Learning Cloud
Self Harm Awareness
My Learning Cloud
Suicide Awareness
My Learning Cloud
The Care Certificate
My Learning Cloud
Understanding MAPPA
My Learning Cloud
Understanding Radicalisation
My Learning Cloud
Adult self-neglect
Me Learning
Adult Sexual Exploitation
Me Learning
Autism and Learning Disabilities for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Autism Awareness
Me Learning
Basic Life Support - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Care Certificate - Full Training Suite
Me Learning
Care Certificate Assessor Training
Me Learning
Coercive control awareness
Me Learning
Cultural Awareness in Safeguarding
Me Learning
Dementia Awareness
Me Learning
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Me Learning
Diabetes Awareness
Me Learning
Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence
Me Learning
Duty of Care - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Eating Disorders
Me Learning
Effective Communication - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Epilepsy Awareness
Me Learning
Fluids and Nutrition - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Framework for the Assessment of Children and their Families
Me Learning
Gangs and Youth Violence
Me Learning
Handling Information - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Hidden Harm – Parental Substance Misuse, Mental Ill Health and Domestic Abuse
Me Learning
Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
Me Learning
Human Rights Act 1998
Me Learning
Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery
Me Learning
Infection Prevention and Control - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Keeping Good Records
Me Learning
Lead Professional Introduction
Me Learning
Loneliness and Isolation
Me Learning
Making Every Contact Count - Supporting Winter Warmth
Me Learning
Medication Awareness and Safe Handling of Medication
Me Learning
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Me Learning
Mental Health Act
Me Learning
Mental Health, Dementia and Learning Disability - for Health & Social Care
Me Learning
Moving and Positioning of Individuals
Me Learning
Multi-Agency Working
Me Learning
NHS Continuing Healthcare
Me Learning
Palliative Care and End of Life Care
Me Learning
Privacy and Dignity - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Professional boundaries for adults
Me Learning
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults (Level 1)
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults (Level 2)
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults (Levels 1 and 2)
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults - Awareness - for Health and Social Care’
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults Refresher
Me Learning
Stroke Awareness
Me Learning
Substance Misuse
Me Learning
Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Me Learning
The Care Act - Assessment and Eligibility
Me Learning
The Care Act - Care and Support Planning
Me Learning
The Care Act - Charging and Financial Assessment
Me Learning
The Care Act - Deferred Payments
Me Learning
The Care Act - Direct Payments
Me Learning
The Care Act - Independent Advocacy
Me Learning
The Care Act - Information and Advice
Me Learning
The Care Act - Integration, Cooperation and Partnerships
Me Learning
The Care Act - Introduction and Overview
Me Learning
The Care Act - Personal Budgets
Me Learning
The Care Act - Review of Care and Support Plans
Me Learning
The Care Act - Safeguarding Duties and Responsibilities
Me Learning
The Care Act - Transition to Adulthood
Me Learning
The Care Act 2014 - Full Training Suite
Me Learning
Understand Your Role - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Work in a Person Centred Way - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Your Personal Development - for Health and Social Care
Me Learning
Safeguarding Adults
Open eLMS