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Protective Security and Preparedness Level 2


This CPD-certified e-learning course is based on the government's non statutory guidance "Protective Security and Preparedness for Education Settings" and it provides learners with a thorough understanding of terrorist threats, response plans, and responsibilities. This course is suitable for any member of an organisation.

The course includes optional voiceover recorded by a professional actor, culminates with an assessment. It is specifically designed to give learners a better understanding of how to prepare and respond to a serious incident.

Law & Legislation

This course covers key points from:

  • Government Guidance from Protective security and preparedness for education settings.

Course Content

  • Introduction - Introduction to understanding terrorist threats, current threat levels, government guidance, and building a culture of readiness.
  • Signs - Learning about different staff roles dealing with security decision making, preparation, and supporting children. Understanding protocols and taking a look at recognizing and reporting suspicious activity in your setting.