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Creating Positive Working Relationships


This course contains the following 5 modules on the following:

Creating and Using a Network: Creating and Using a Network investigates how you can create and manage a network to substantially raise the profile of you and your business and what you need to do in order to maintain it. The module also looks at how to identify networking opportunities and the development of business triangles in order to develop introducers and reciprocal arrangements. Developing Teamwork: Developing Teamwork considers the interaction between the team leader’s roles. It also considers how team effectiveness is influenced by the team’s developmental stage and the mix and type of personalities present and how they can be effectively managed. How Individuals Differ: How Individuals Differ investigates personality, its measurement and the uses that this understanding can be put to. It also considers the tools and techniques that will enable you to understand your own and others personality types. If a Relationship Stops Working: This module considers two common relationship problems; Managing people displaying difficult behaviours and managing marginal performance. You will be taught how to identify common causes of difficult behaviour, and shown the planning and techniques required to effectively manage the team members who are displaying such behaviour. You will also be shown strategies for dealing with aggression. Inducting a New Team Member: Inducting a New Team Member investigates the need for an induction process for new employees and the advantages that this can bring to the organisation. It also looks at some of the elements that contribute towards an effective induction process.


Creating and Using a Network

  • Understand what networking is
  • Know how to create and manage a network
  • Understand how to maintain a network
  • Know how to identify networking opportunities
  • Understand the development of business triangles

Developing Teamwork:

  • Understand the 3 circle diagram
  • Know your leadership style
  • Know the different personality types
  • Understand what makes a successful team
  • Know the 4 development stages
  • Understand your role

How Individuals Differ:

  • Understand what makes everyone different
  • Understand different personality types
  • Understand the four MBTI categories
  • Recognise the 16 personality types

If a Relationship Stops Working:

  • Know how to identify the cause of difficult behaviour
  • Know when to intervene
  • Know how to approach the issue
  • Be able to conduct and review a performance discussion
  • Be able to develop an action plan 

Inducting a New Team Member:

  • Understand the need for an induction process
  • Know the advantages of inducting a new team member
  • Know the contributing factors of the induction process
  • Be able to induct a new team member

Course Duration

3.5 Hours

Creating and Using a Network: 40 Minutes Developing Teamwork: 40 Minutes How Individuals Differ: 45 Minutes If a Relationship Stops Working: 40 Minutes Inducting a New Team Member: 45 Minutes