Business Skills
This course contains the following 4 modules:
Introduction To Report Writing: This topic provides an introduction to writing clear and easily understandable reports. Email:This topic is designed to help learners reap the benefits and avoid the pitfalls of communicating by email. Preparation For Report Writing: The secret to a well-written report is taking time to work out exactly what needs to be achieved and how to achieve it. Writing Your Report: Invaluable advice on how to write a report, from choosing the best style of report to the effective use of language.
Introduction To Report Writing:
- Know why you need to write reports
- Recognise the different types of report
- Know what makes a good report
- Start to think about your next report
- Understand how and when to use email
- Appreciate that emails are not always reliable
- Know how to write a clear, concise email
- Understand how to manage your emails effectively
- Recognise the need for basic etiquette rules
Preparation For Report Writing:
- Understand the need to set objectives
- Know who will be reading the report and why
- Know the steps to take before beginning the report
- Understand what need to be in the report and what doesn’t
- Understand how to collate the information gathered
Writing Your Report:
- Know which type of report you are writing
- Understand the structure needed for your report
- Be ready to get a topic agreed and set an objective for your report
- Recognise the importance of research
- Be able to write a high impact report
Course Duration
2 Hours
Introduction To Report Writing: 30 Minutes Email: 30 Minutes Preparation For Report Writing: 30 Minutes Writing Your Report: 30 Minutes