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Stress in the Workplace


Stress is commonplace in the modern workplace environment. Although eradicating stress completely is not practical, taking action towards reducing its causes and effects can be incredibly beneficial for employers and employees alike. In this three module course we will delve into the common triggers and responses to stress, look at the legislation and guidance for dealing with it and provide actionable advice to help you make your workplace more balanced.


After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Define stress and identify stress in the workplace
  • Identify the common causes of stress and typical responses in the workplace
  • Appreciate and understand the current legislations and professional guidance relating to workplace stress
  • Implement a risk assessment to evaluate the risk of stress in the workplace
  • Take action to reduce stress amongst the workforce and seek appropriate support where necessary


  • What is work related stress
  • Preventing and managing stress – the employers role
  • Preventing and managing stress – the employees role