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Safeguarding Against Radicalisation - The Prevent Duty


We explore radicalisation and how it connects with extremism and terrorism, including how the internet can influence and indoctrinate vulnerable people. We explore the Government’s increased powers, and who they affect. This includes the CONTEST strategy which sets out the main aims, with the individual Prevent and Channel duties covering how to deal with radicalisation in the workplace.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what radicalisation and extremism are, as well as their connection to a person’s background and social media usage
  • Know what prevent is and what the responsibilities are for leadership and frontline staff
  • Learn what support those at risk of radicalisation can receive
  • Spot the signs of radicalisation and know how to raise concerns


Those with safeguarding responsibilities, as well as anyone who would benefit from, or is interested in, gaining a better understanding of how to safeguard against radicalisation.