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Safeguarding Children Refresher


This course is intended for you to recap on the topics you have previously learnt and may face every day when working with adults at risk to make sure that fulfilling the responsibilities of your role.

We will look back at topics such as the types of abuse that an adult might face, how to respond to a concern, safeguarding duties and when it is OK to share information. 


  • Understand the definitions of ‘safeguarding’ and ‘child protection’
  • Know the legislation in place around safeguarding children
  • Recognise the importance of Safeguarding Practice Reviews
  • Identify indicators of abuse and neglect
  • Understand why information sharing is so important
  • Respond to a safeguarding concern with confidence
  • Be aware of the important principles around safeguarding
  • Identify responsibilities and duties of those who work with or around children
  • Know when to ask questions and how to do so appropriately


This course is for anyone working with children and young people