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Loss and Bereavement


This interactive and engaging course tackles the tough subject of loss and bereavement. The course looks at different types of loss and how they effect people, including how adults, teenagers and children handle loss. You'll learn how to support the bereaving adult or child with practical tips and a thorough understanding of how to communicate with the bereaved.


This course is suitable for anyone coming into contact with adults or children, who need to know more about the types of loss and how to offer support. This could include:

• Care home staff • Health visitors • Health assistants • Social care staff  • Carers  • Family members and the public • Teachers and parents • General workforce such as office staff, managers

About this course

This course is split into two modules: • Grieving • Supporting the bereaved Objectives

In this course you will learn: • Coping with suicide • Coping with sudden death • Terminal illnesses • Child bereavement • The death of a child • Disenfranchised grief • The different stages of grief • Different reactions to loss • Offering physical help • Emotional help • Parents who lose children • Supporting children in grief • The different ways children of all ages cope • How to communicate death to a child • Offering different types of help for different losses • Grieving at work • Listening and communication skills • Registering a death • Death certificates • Know who to inform


Here are some of the topics covered in the modules:

Coping with suicide; Coping with sudden death; Terminal illnesses; Child bereavement; The death of a child; Disenfranchised grief; The stages of grief; Different reactions to loss; Offering physical help; Emotional help; Parents who lose children; Supporting children in grief; The different ways children of all ages cope; How to communicate death to a child; Offering different types of help for different losses; Grieving at work; Listening and communication skills; Registering a death; Death certificates; Know who to inform