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Care Certificate Assessor Training


This course will give Care Certificate assessors the knowledge, understanding and confidence to plan, undertake and record their own assessment decisions, within the framework of the Care Certificate in their organisation.


This course will equip an organisation’s senior staff with the required skills and knowledge to assess the new Care Certificate standards and has been designed for: 

  • Care Certificate assessors who are unfamiliar with assessment processes, and 
  • Assessors who want to refresh their knowledge of assessment, specifically around assessment of the Care Certificate standards

    About this course

    The Care Certificate has been developed to evidence that health and social care workers are knowledgeable, safe and able to provide compassionate, high-quality care to vulnerable people.

    With Me Learning, staff will have access to a series of 14 short e-learning courses designed to provide them with knowledge and understanding of the Care Certificate's standards. After which the learner will be required to demonstrate their competence in the workplace, and provide evidence that they have the knowledge and understanding of the Care Certificate's standards.

    It will be the assessor's job to observe, listen, witness and check the learner's evidence to ensure that the learner is able to put their skills into practice every day for their job role.

  • How will this course benefit assessors? This course will give assessors the knowledge to plan, undertake and record their own assessment decisions, within the framework of the Care Certificate in their organisation. How will this course benefit organisations? Employers will have confidence that their assessors are applying the Care Certificate in a standardised way that ensures that assessments across their organisation are fair, relevant and support good practice.


    On completion of this course assessors will:

  • Understand the purpose of the Care Certificate and its relevance to their organisation
  • Know the assessment process from planning and observing evidence to recording and giving feedback
  • Be able to select and apply assessment methods appropriate to each of the standards that they are competent to assess and to the individual learner being assessed


    The course is delivered as a series of 14 small bite-sized e-learning courses:

  • 1. Background to the Care Certificate 2. The Standards 3. Purpose of assessing and the role of the CQC 4. The role of the assessor 5. Local application of the Care Certificate 6. Planning assessments 7. Evidence of learning 8. Written evidence 9. Oral evidence 10. Observed evidence 11. Group and prior learning evidence 12. Making assessment decisions 13. Recording assessments 14. Giving feedback