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Asbestos Awareness


This course consists of one module which introduces asbestos dangers and precautions to anyone working in buildings.

Asbestos has been used for thousands of years. In the UK, until the end of the last century, it was widely used as a building material. However, it is now known to cause serious lung diseases and cannot be incorporated into new buildings or renovations.

This course explores the history of asbestos use, where it can be found currently, the dangers of asbestos, and what to do if you need to work with it.


This course gives an overview of how to approach asbestos. It is useful for anyone who has responsibility for a building that contains, or may contain, asbestos, and gives advice to those who may need to work with asbestos, such as people renovating old buildings, decorators, electricians, etc.

It will not be suitable for licensed contractors, although it might provide an introduction to the subject for those new to the industry.


In this course you will learn about:

  • The dangers of asbestos
  • The different types of asbestos
  • What asbestos is used for
  • Who has a duty to manage asbestos
  • What to do if you find, or suspect the presence of, asbestos


Asbestos Awareness