Dreamweaver CS5 Intermediate

Who it's For:
After you learn to code web pages by hand in HTML & CSS, you can use programs to increase efficiency and allow you to do complex things very quickly.
What it is:
Dreamweaver is the industry standard code generator. You put things on the screen, and Dreamweaver will create the code for you! Dreamweaver will also help you use more complicated solutions like JavaScript, DHTML, and Ajax.
What You'll Learn:
With Dreamweaver, you'll build better web sites faster. Knowledge of Dreamweaver is a requirement for many web design jobs.
Dreamweaver CS5 Intermediate Part 1
- Introduction
- Introduction to CSS
- Re-Define tags
- Practice
- Setting Classes
- Padding and Borders
- Background Images
- Float
- External Styles
Dreamweaver CS5 Intermediate Part 2
- Uploading
- Synchronize Files
- Introduction to Forms
- Other Form Fields
- Practice
- Comments/Submit
- CSS and Forms