Windows 8.1 - Level 1 - Desktop and Windows Settings

About the course
The Windows 8.1 - Desktop and Windows Settings course introduces the Desktop and Help tools. You will also learn how to configure Windows Settings and create User Accounts.
There are 5 modules in this course
- Windows and Desktop Basics
- Windows Help Tools
- Basic Configuration
- Computer Settings
- User Accounts
Course features
- Simulation training replicates the software you are learning providing a realistic learning experience.
- Learn how to perform tasks at your own pace and interactively by following easy step-by-step actions.
- Reinforce your knowledge at the end of each lesson by completing interactive and multiple choice quiz questions.
- Assess your skills at any time by undertaking the Course Test.
- Lessons can be completed within 30 minutes so training can be undertaken in 'bite' size pieces.
- Bookmarking allows you to learn in multiple training sessions.
- Course navigation features allow you to jump directly to specific topics of interest quickly and easily.
- Designed for people who require initial and refresher training activities.
- Available on-line 24 hours a day.
- Version for Mobile Devices.
- Review course content with eBooks
Course Topics
Desktop and Help Tools
- Windows and Desktop Basics;
- Understand Windows;
- Log On to Windows;
- Display Desktop Icons;
- Open Desktop Icons;
- Work with the Taskbar;
- Use the Task Manager;
- Start Applications;
- Log Out from Windows;
- Restart the Computer;
Windows Help Tools
- Activate Help and Support;
- Use Links;
- Navigate Help Topics;
- Get On-line Help;
- Search Help and Support;
- Use Context Help;
Settings and User Accounts
- Basic Configuration;
- Display System Information;
- Change Date and Time Settings;
- Modify Time Zone Settings;
- Change Taskbar Properties;
- Alter Volume Settings;
- Change the Desktop Background:
- Apply Screen Savers;
- Change Colour Schemes;
- Adjust Screen Resolution;
Computer Settings
- Change Computer Settings;
- Open the Control Panel;
- Change Region Settings;
- Change Language Settings;
- Add Input Languages;
- Add Keyboard Layouts;
- Change the Keyboard Language;
- Install Software Programs;
- Remove Software Programs;
User Accounts
- Create User Accounts;
- Modify User Accounts;
- Switch Between User Accounts;
- Delete User Accounts;