MS PowerPoint 2019: Advanced

In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Advanced, you will learn to perform the last adjustments in a presentation before presenting it to an audience. You will learn to set the slides transition and assign animation effects to the different objects on slides. You will adjust the animation settings and set the slide show timing. You will also set the properties of the presented slide show and add speaker notes to the presentation. You will try the options of delivering the presentation included in the new Presenter view. You will create your custom template and will learn to print a presentation and save it in different file formats.
- Speaker notes
- Slide transitions
- Animation effects
- Advanced animation effects
- Assigning actions to objects on slides
- Hyperlinks
- Slide show timing
- Custom slide show
- Slide show settings
- Hints on delivering presentations
- Presenter View
- Print settings
- Saving presentations in various formats
- Advanced options for saving presentations
- Creating custom templates and themes
- Application of custom templates and themes
- Custom program settings