MS PowerPoint 2019: Introduction

In the course MS PowerPoint 2019: Introduction, you will familiarise yourself with the user interface of the PowerPoint 2019 program where you will try various views of presentations. You will learn to enter text into presentations and insert graphical elements into them, including pictures, shapes, clip art, symbols or even equations. You will try to edit all the inserted objects and move them within or between slides. In case of text, you will apply the WordArt formatting. When inserting new slides into a presentation, you will learn to select a suitable layout of the predefined text placeholders. You will also try to change the selected layout as well as to restore the original one.
- Basic navigation in the program window
- Displaying presentations in different views
- Navigation between the presentation slides
- Getting help in PowerPoint
- Creating a new presentation
- Working with text boxes
- Slide layouts
- Bulleted list levels
- Using tab stops
- Paragraph formatting
- Inserting pictures
- Manipulating images
- Advanced objects manipulation
- Picture effects
- Shapes
- Shapes editing
- WordArt tools
- Symbols
- Equations