Excel 2019 - Expert - Advanced Functions, Consolidating and Auditing

About the course
The Excel 2019 - Expert ' Advanced Functions, Consolidating and Auditing course covers topics included in the MOS Expert exam 77-728. This includes using Logical, Informational, Time, Mathematical and Lookup Functions. You will also learn how to Consolidate workbooks, Share and Protect workbooks and use Auditing tools.
There are 7 modules in this course
- Logical and Informational Functions
- Time and Mathematical Functions
- Lookup Functions
- Consolidating Workbooks
- Auditing Tools
- Protecting Workbooks
- Sharing Workbooks
Course features
- Simulation training replicates the software you are learning providing a realistic learning experience.
- Learn how to perform tasks at your own pace and interactively by following easy step-by-step actions.
- Reinforce your knowledge at the end of each lesson by completing interactive and multiple choice quiz questions.
- Assess your skills at any time by undertaking the Course Test.
- Lessons can be completed within 30 minutes so training can be undertaken in 'bite' size pieces.
- Bookmarking allows you to learn in multiple training sessions.
- Course navigation features allow you to jump directly to specific topics of interest quickly and easily.
- Designed for people who require initial and refresher training activities.
- Available on-line 24 hours a day.
- Version for Mobile Devices.
- Review course content with eBooks
Youll learn how to:
Advanced Functions
Logical and Informational Functions
- IF Function;
- OR Function;
- AND Function;
- Help for Error Messages;
- Nested IF Functions;
- IS Functions;
- ISERROR Function.
Time and Mathematical Functions
- Using Functions;
- Insert Function Box;
- TODAY Function;
- Displaying Dates as Numbers;
- DAY Function;
- MONTH Function;
- YEAR Function;
- COUNT Function;
- COUNTA Function;
- COUNTIF Function;
- SUMIF Function;
- AVERAGEIF Function;
- ROUND Function;
- Nesting Functions;
- Circular Functions;
- Iterative Calculations
Lookup Functions
- VLOOKUP Function;
- Creating Lookup Tables;
- Inserting Functions;
- VLOOKUP Arguments;
- LOOKUP Function;
- Modify Lookup Data;
- HLOOKUP Function
Consolidating and Auditing
Consolidating Workbooks
- Consolidating Data;
- What is Consolidation?
- Selecting Destination Area;
- Consolidating Workbooks;
- Creating Links;
- Updating Linked Data;
- Outlining Features.
Auditing Tools
- Using Auditing Tools;
- Trace Precedents;
- Trace Dependents;
- Removing Tracer Arrows;
- Tracing Errors in Formulas;
- Correcting Formula Errors.
- Viewing Formula Locations;
- Show Formulas.
Protecting and Sharing Workbooks
- Protecting Worksheets;
- Removing Protection;
- Protecting Workbooks;
- Opening Protected Workbooks.
Sharing Workbooks
- Sharing Methods;
- Share with People;
- Uploading to OneDrive