Excel 2019 - Level 5 - Formulas and Functions

About the course
The Excel 2019 - Formulas and Functions course covers topics included in the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam 77-727. You will learn how to use formulas and functions in Excel including Informational, Logical, Financial, Text functions, data tables and using named ranges.
There are 7 modules in this course
- Formulas and Referencing
- Working with Functions
- Logical and Informational Functions
- More Logical Functions
- Named Ranges
- Financial Functions and Data Tables
- Text Functions
Course features
- Simulation training replicates the software you are learning providing a realistic learning experience.
- Learn how to perform tasks at your own pace and interactively by following easy step-by-step actions.
- Reinforce your knowledge at the end of each lesson by completing interactive and multiple choice quiz questions.
- Assess your skills at any time by undertaking the Course Test.
- Lessons can be completed within 30 minutes so training can be undertaken in 'bite' size pieces.
- Bookmarking allows you to learn in multiple training sessions.
- Course navigation features allow you to jump directly to specific topics of interest quickly and easily.
- Designed for people who require initial and refresher training activities.
- Available on-line 24 hours a day.
- Version for Mobile Devices.
- Review course content with eBooks
Youll learn how to:
Formulas and Functions
Formulas and Referencing
- Identify Formula Operators;
- Understand Operator Precedence;
- Over-ride Operator Precedence;
- Enter Formulas;
- Copy Formulas;
- Use AutoFill;
- Update Formula Results;
- Use Absolute References;
- Apply Percentage Values.
Working with Functions
- Identify Function Components;
- Enter Functions;
- AutoSum Numbers;
- Use the AutoSum List;
- Use the ROUND Function;
- Apply the IF Function.
Logical and Informational Functions
- Use the IF Function;
- Use the OR Function;
- Use the AND Function;
- Use Help for Error Messages;
- Use Nested IF Functions;
- Understand IS Functions;
- Use the ISERROR Function
More Logical Functions
- Use the SUMIF Function;
- Use the COUNTIF Function;
- Use the AVERAGEIF Function
Named Ranges
- Name Cells;
- Name Cell Ranges;
- Add to and Edit Named Ranges;
- Change Range Names;
- Use Go To;
- Navigate using Cell Names;
- Use Names in Formulas;
- Display Cell Formulas;
- Delete Named Ranges.
Financial Functions and Data Tables
- Understand Financial Arguments;
- Use the FV Function;
- Use the PMT Function;
- Use the NPV Function;
- Use the Pv Argument;
- Use the RATE Function;
- Use NPV Function;
- Use the Guess Argument;
- Use Data Tables.
Text Functions
- Understand Text Functions;
- Use the CONCATENATE Function;
- Use the LOWER Function;
- Use the LEFT Function;
- Add Function Arguments;
- Use the PROPER Function;
- Use the UPPER Function;
- Understand TRIM Function