MS Excel 2013: Introduction

In the course MS Excel 2013: Introduction, you will familiarise yourself with the Excel 2013 environment and its documents and you will learn to control them. You will learn in each lesson to create tables step by step. You will find out how to enter values correctly into the cells and how to set the cell formatting, including conditional formatting. You will learn to manipulate each cell and cell range, you will learn to work with worksheets and entire files. You will create a chart and learn to create calculations by basic arithmetic formulas.
- Introduction to the practical use of Excel
- Excel window
- Ribbon
- Excel workbook
- Creation and saving of a workbook
- Opening an existing workbook
- Manipulating worksheets
- Navigation within a worksheet
- Cell range selection methods
- Adjusting rows and columns
- Data entry into cells
- Numeric values in cells
- Moving and copying cell values
- Copying and moving using the Clipboard
- Font formatting
- Alignment of data in cells
- Borders and fill
- Basic number formats
- Date, time and percentage number formats
- Cell styles
- Copying formatting
- Excel table
- Conditional formatting
- Basic formulas
- AutoSum
- Number and date fill series
- Text series and custom lists
- Sorting
- Recommended charts
- Instant data analysis
- Pictures in Excel
- Printing
- Customisation of the program settings
- Getting help with Excel