MS Access 2013: Intermediate

In the course MS Access 2013: Intermediate, you will learn to create calculated fields in queries that operate with functions. You will create totals queries and parameter queries. You will familiarise yourself with the properties of table joins and will examine how they can affect the result of queries. You will create forms in the Design view and will learn to insert calculated fields into them. You will also design and edit reports and will learn to perform various calculations in them. You will also learn how to insert controls into forms and reports, including subforms and subreports.
- Copy and import data
- Query with parameters
- Join properties
- Custom joins
- Function and Expression Builder
- Other function categories
- Indexing fields and validating data
- Totals
- Aggregate functions
- Crosstab query
- Sort and pick data in forms
- Form in Design View
- Form creation in Design View
- Edit a form
- Form controls
- Calculated form fields and conditional format
- Combo Box in forms
- Option buttons in forms and change form source
- Form fields organizing
- Form with subform creation
- Subforms and aggregate functions in Design View
- Command button
- Totals in reports
- Calculations and sorting in reports
- Additional report options
- Reports graphical editing