Word 2013: Advanced

Who it's For:
Everyone. Even if you're already using Word, you'll find that the program goes much deeper with lots of amazing features.
What it is:
Word is the premier word processor. People use Word to create letters, resumes, invitations, term papers, flyers, and even books.
What You'll Learn:
If you're a beginner, you'll learn essential skills everyone in the computer age should know. If you're familiar with MS Word, you'll learn some amazing things you never knew Word could do to make your document creation faster, better looking, better written, and error free.
Word 2013: Advanced Part 1
- Open Practice Files
- Show the Developer Tab
- Date Picker
- Combo Box
- Text Box
- Check Boxes
- Multi Paragraphs
- Stop Design Mode & Save
- Test Our Form
- Save As a Template
- Protect Document
- Practice Files
- Highlighter
- Comments
- Remove Highlights
- Delete Comments
- Tracked Changes
- Simple Markup View
- Accept/Reject Changes
- Reviewing Pane
- Combine Documents
- Reference Ribbon
- Table of Contents
- Update TOC
- Footnotes Endnotes
- Endnotes
- Bookmarks
- Hyperlink to a Document
- Link to a Bookmark
- Bibliography
- Indexes
Word 2013: Advanced Part 2
- Create a Document
- Show the Developer Tab
- Start the Macro Recorder
- Run Your Macro
- Run By Keystroke
- See the VB Editor
- Toggle = Alt + F11
- Selecting Text Wihtout the Mouse
- Record PullQuote
- Assign Keyboard Shortcut
- Make a Typing Mistake
- Fix the Mistake
- Change Letter Colors
- Wrong Way to Change Colors
- Macro-Enable File Type
- Insert Sound File
- Insert Video
- Start a Webpage
- Play a game
- Save to OneDrive (Formerly SkyDrive)
- Send Invitation Share