Digital Transformation & AI Automation


Let’s be honest, robots run our lives. It may not be in the clunky, destroy the humans kind of way we’ve been led to expect by Hollywood. But right now, without AI, or artificial intelligence, and automation, we’d be pretty lost. Don’t believe me? Who do you think picked those playlists that just happen to have all your favourite songs in them? No, it wasn’t you. It was AI.

New leaps in AI and automation are developing all the time. The transformation of our world from a physical one to a digital one is happening, and it’s happening fast. Businesses that stay ahead of these changes will have increased productivity, enjoy better data insights, and be more equipped to anticipate the skills needed by their workforce.

By the end of this course, you'll be able to:

  • Advocate for the use of AI and automation to hone your understanding of the new digital economy
  • Identify and suggest mitigations for areas of ethical concern in the widespread adoption of AI to avoid bias or discrimination in your business
  • Promote a forward-thinking attitude to digital transformation to prepare your business for the changes ahead

Why should I take this course

The digital transformation of work and business is happening fast. Everyone in your workforce can benefit from being aware of the changes that are coming. This course will help you understand the positives of AI and automation in the workplace, recognise ethical concerns in the adoption of AI, and be forward thinking in your attitude to the digital changes ahead.