Manual Handling

Manual handling causes over a third of all workplace injuries. This course looks at how the spine and posture react to manual handling activities. It also looks at the legislation, types of manual handling equipment and the right way to lift and move loads.
In this course you will learn to:
- Describe common injuries occurring in the spine
- Identify factors to consider before doing a manual handling task
- List the risk factors to consider if manual handling can’t be avoided
- Describe how to do a simple manual handling task
About this Course
Manual handling is one of the leading causes of workplace injuries and accidents. Though it should always be minimised or avoided where possible, the fact remains that manual handling is a key part of many job roles.
Both employees and employers have a responsibility to ensure manual handling tasks are conducted correctly. For employers, carrying out a risk assessment and providing proper training is essential. Good quality manual handling training reduces the risks of workplace injuries.