The Basics of Manual Handling

If you've ever hurt yourself lifting something, then you've, unfortunately, joined a not very exclusive club. Injuries when lifting or moving objects are commonplace in any industry as well as around the home. It's true that some of these injuries aren't especially severe, and, although painful, sprains or strains are the likely outcome of a manual handling injury. But even relatively small injuries can mount up and lead to things that put you out of action for weeks, or worse. The associated costs – physically, mentally, and monetarily – of a manual handling injury to an individual can be awful. Across an industry, it can be devastating. But there's no need to panic and curl up in bubble wrap just yet. With some training, and a little care, you can help to protect yourself and others around you from these injuries. That's where this course comes in.
Outline Learning Objectives
- Identify the leading causes of manual handling injuries and identify common risks
- Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of safe manual handling
- Explain the provisions of manual handling regulations
Why take this course?
Manual handling is one of the most common causes of injury at work, accounting for over a third of all workplace injuries. As an employer, you have a duty of care to protect employees from lifting hazards. As an employee, you must be able to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge to stay safe while manual handling. Doing so will help prevent and reduce the risks of injury and save unnecessary pain and expense.