HACCP Level 2

About the course
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) is an internationally recognised prevention-based food safety system, designed to control hazards at points that are critical to food safety. This e-learning course has been designed to introduce people involved in the manufacturing, processing, and production of food to the principles of HACCP.
You will be able to...
- Define HACCP
- List the four steps to developing a HACCP plan
- Outline and explain the seven principles of HACCP
- Identify the benefits of applying a HACCP system
- Carry out good hygiene practices, including scheduled cleaning and stock rotation
- Identify and reduce possible food hazards
- Outline the Food Safety Act 1990 and how this relates to implementing a food safety management system
Upon completion of the course, learners will complete an end of learning assessment consisting of 20 questions. 70% of the questions will need to be answered correctly in order to pass