Fire Safety Awareness

This engaging and thought-provoking course will give learners an insight into fire safety in the UK. With interactive features, the course discusses legislation regarding fire safety in the workplace, the typical fire hazards that you might encounter, what causes a fire, and what to do to should a fire start where you work.
This course is intended for every workplace needing to know about fire safety. It covers what to do in the event of a fire, and fire prevention tips. By law, employers should provide fire safety training to their employees and this course builds a general awareness of the subject.
About this course
This course is split into three modules:
• Fire and Fire Hazards • Fire Precaution and Prevention • What to do in the Event of a Fire
In this course you will gain a basic understanding of:
• Legislation regarding fire safety in the workplace • How a fire can start and spread • The typical fire hazards you might face in your work • How to reduce the risk of a fire breaking out • What procedures to follow and actions to take in the event of a fire
Here are some of the topics covered in the modules: Legal requirements for large premises | government guides on general fire precaution | the cost of fire | the key elements of fire | the causes of fire, accidental, natural, and arson | domestic appliances that cause fires | good housekeeping practices | in-built fire safety equipment | signage | fire drills | evacuation plans | PEEPS | helping vulnerable people | calling the fire service | behaviour on hearing the alarm | fire extinguishers and fire types | evacuation types | the P.A.S.S. method | what to do if trapped by fire | when to leave it to the professionals.