Looking After your Mental Health in the Workplace


This online course is designed to teach participants about the importance of looking after your mental health while at work. The course will discuss how features of the workplace can affect our mental health, identify the characteristics of poor mental health and practical strategies for maintaining positive mental health while at work.

Participants develop a Workplace Wellbeing Action Plan that encourages them to set achievable targets that could help strengthen their mental health in the workplace. This course will also enable the learner to be confident in tackling conversations concerning mental health in the workplace and where to seek support.


By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Understand what mental health is and the importance of taking care of your mental health
  • Have practical ways of maintaining your mental health
  • Recognise common signs of poor mental health
  • Identify the potential side effects of neglecting mental health
  • Know how to seek support
  • Know how to respond sensitively to a colleague struggling with poor mental health


  • What is mental health?
  • Positive and negative workplace mental health
  • Features of the workplace that affect our mental health
  • Improving your workplace
  • Legislation on mental health at work
  • Minding your mental health - physically
  • Minding your mental - emotionally
  • Different signs of poor mental health
  • Effects on professional and personal life
  • Finding mental health support
  • Creating a culture of positive mental health
  • My Workplace Wellbeing Action Plan