An Introduction to Anti-Money Laundering

This Anti-Money Laundering course introduces money laundering and its three-step process. Participants learn how illegal activities can impact businesses and individuals while developing skills to identify suspicious behaviour. Through practical case studies, they will learn effective anti-money laundering measures that help recognise and respond to potential threats in their work environment.
By the end of the course, trainees will be able to:
- Describe what money laundering and anti-money laundering are
- Explain the three stages of money laundering
- Describe the impacts and consequences of money-laundering activities
- List potential signs or red flags that may indicate money laundering
- Outline the appropriate actions to take if money laundering is suspected
- Definition of money laundering
- Process of money laundering
- Impact of money laundering
- Definition of anti-money laundering
- Anti-money laundering laws and regulations
- Signs of money laundering
- Your obligations
- Business obligations