Fire Safety at Work

It is a legal requirement for employers to provide information, instruction and training about fire safety in the workplace (Fire Safety Regulations – The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005).
While some professions may be more at risk of fire incidents, the truth is everyone in all types of roles have a role to play in ensuring fire safety practices are a normal part of day to day work. Fire safety is the responsibility of everyone within an organisation.
This fire safety at work e-learning course provides a clear overview of the important elements of fire safety and provides all the information to help ensure the safety of employees and customers when fire occurs. It is interactive and engaging with elements of ‘storytelling’ that help make the learning easy and interesting to follow. It’s a fun way of learning the important principles of fire safety.
- Learn to appreciate why fire safety is important and how it can be prevented
- Understand the typical fire risks in the workplace, how it can spread and how fires are extinguished
- Know what to do when fire occurs, what different signs mean and how to ensure the safety of everyone
- Develop an understanding of fire regulations and the different roles of people during fires
- Help create a culture of positive fire safety practice in the workplace
This fire safety e-learning course is essential health safety training. It’s particularly appropriate for people new to an organisation or for use as a refresher for existing employees