Excel 2013 Intermediate

Who it's For:
Office workers, business people, teachers, support staff, and anyone who wants to use the computer to track, figure out, and report information.
What it is:
Excel is the world's most popular spreadsheet program. Millions of people use it to track, store, arrange and calculate data.
What You'll Learn:
Our Excel course is designed for beginners and advanced users alike. Students learn how to easily work with data and use Excel's hidden features. You'll learn about spreadsheet design, manipulating data, and about how to utilize the world's most popular business tool.
Excel 2013: Intermediate Part 1
- Flash Fill
- Well Defined List
- Sorting
- Sort By Then
- Formatting
- Format as Table
- Filtering
- Multi-Field Filtering
- Remove Duplicates
- Inserting Automatic SubTotals
- Column and Line Charts
- Pie Chart
- Formatting Charts
- Chart Templates
- Recommended Charts/Quick Analysis Tool
- Printing Charts
- Sparklines
- Review
Excel 2013: Intermediate Part 2
- Importing Data from Sources
- Importing Database File
- Pivot Tables
- Custom Pivot Tables
- Advanced Pivot Tables
- Pivot Table Exercise
- Formatting Pivot Tables
- Slicer Tool
- Pivot Charts
- Filtering Charts
- Data Validation
- Rules
- Conditional Formatting
- Advanced Conditional Formatting
- Manage Rules of Conditional Formatting
- Conditional Formatting: Data Validation
- Protecting Worksheets
- Comments
- Printing Comments
- Linking Data Between Worksheets